Curated Theatrical Decorative Antiques, Curiosities & Art

19th Century Italian Marble Bust of the Albani Faun. Marble Faun Bust. 19th Century Italian Marble Bust of the Albani Faun for sale from Dreams Less Sweet Antiques. Antique Italian Marble Faun Bust for sale. Deams Less Sweet Decorative Antiques.

Dreams Less Sweet buy and sell highly curated eclectic collections of theatrical antiques, curiosities, works of art and decorative objects, that juxtapose genres & periods from old masters to contemporary.

Born out of a lifetime of collecting, our background in performance art and immersive live events brings a strong visual theatricality to sourcing special objects d'art that tell a story and create otherworldly atmospheres.

Diverse themes include: Vanitas, Mythological, Gothic, Elizabethan, Medical & Anatomical, Sacred & Religious, Folklore & Folk Art, Tribal, Taxidermy, Naval & Militaria, Mannequins & Dolls, Vintage Industrial, Carnival, Erotica.

Based in London, and shipping worldwide, globally sourced stock will evolve so keep checking back for special new acquisitions.

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